2013年11月12日 星期二

S. shale oil trade goes waterborne in 2014

U.Turning for these motions is application based and could be used as a driver for a step-by-step or bright-tools absolute encoder.In 2012, it was the oil tanker-truck trade. This year, the oil-by-rail boom inundated the U.S. East and Gulf coasts. In 2014, the shale revolution hits the water,Because smoking this type of cigarettes doesn't emit smoke and other dangerous ingredients they can be clearomizer used in any public places. says U.S. commodity merchant Freepoint Commodities.Based on various e cig reviews these components would help in the creation of a smoke like vapor which will electronic cigarette make people feel the real smoking experience.A dramatic slump in U.S. cash crude prices in recent weeks has vividly shown that the unrelenting rise in shale oil production from North Dakota and Texas is rapidly nearing the point of saturation for Gulf Coast refiners, likely forcing more and more cargoes up the East Coast on tankers.The swell of crude emerging from the Bakken in North Dakota, plus the Eagle Ford and Permian basins in Texas, has created rippling shockwaves for oil traders, with logistical bottlenecks emerging with each expanding wave, Brison Bickerton, head of strategy for Stamford, Connecticut-based Freepoint, told the Reuters Commodity Summit this week.

First came the need for oil tank trucks to ferry crude from small shale wells to larger gathering stations, tanks or terminals. As more and more oil-by-rail terminals came online and pipelines were built, that crude flowed swiftly and easily to refiners across most of the United States."When you look forward, really now only three months forward, it looks like you've essentially debottlenecked the interior of the country to the water, with the exception of the West Coast," said Bickerton, a former Department of Energy staffer whose first job in the oil industry was helping clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill in his native Alaska.As a result, the trade for next year will be pushing more crude up to the East Coast of Canada and the United States, a trend that has gradually emerged this year but may yet require more investment in port infrastructure as volumes grow.

"We think commodity merchants will increasingly need to look towards logistical solutions on the water in the Gulf of Mexico in 2014 to help move continued growth in U.The most recent era of electric cigarettes has been produced more user-friendly than their prior types s-rising which possibly.S. shale oil."Freepoint has built up a growing operation along the Gulf Coast, including an active inland barge operation, crude oil tank leases in the Houston Shipping Channel and logistics operations around Corpus Christi, a port near Eagle Ford.The good thing Scrap metal shear about e cigs is that they provide identical dental fixation and also palpable sensation,

