How can we harvest the energy of the sun at a better quality and at a cheaper cost?
find out, Anna Fontcuberta and her team in the STI Laboratory of
Semiconductor Materials (LMSC) at EPFL are working on novel solutions to
produce the solar cells of tomorrow.
The research of
Fontcuberta, a professor in the STI LSMCL, focuses on new ways to
engineer semiconducting structures, mainly with the use of
Semiconductors, thanks to their physical
properties, have increased the functionality of many objects in our
daily lives (microwave ovens, cars, DVD player or computers e.g.) and at
the same time our quality of life.
The LSMC works on new
geometries using nanowires. These are needle-like crystals of a diameter
between 20 and 100 nm and several microns long.
The objective is
to increase their functionality by understanding their properties and
finding new ways to fabricate them. Among the many applications using
nanowires is one of a higher interest to Fontcuberta and her team: solar
Because of the world's urgent need to harvest greener
energies, nanowire solar cells have a huge societal and industrial
potential for the future.
"We are working on nanowire solar cells
using GaAs in their core, a high conducting material which absorbs
light at the ideal range with respect to the solar spectrum", explains
For example, in the 1990's, GaAs solar cells took
over from silicon devices in photovoltaic arrays for satellite
applications, or power the robots that are exploring the surface of
In the LMSC, gallium and arsenide atoms are engineered (or
"tricked") in a way that they organise themselves to form wires rather
than horizontal layer on layer structures (which they tend to do
This 3 dimensional geometry is a novelty as it
enables the trapping of more light than planar structures, such as
silicon solar devices, and with less material.
Each vertical
nanowire becomes a device that produces current. The combination of the
nanowires' small scale (one micron) and revolutionary 3D geometry (a
little bit like hair standing up), enables a significant decrease of the
solar cell's cost per watt - compared to commonly used solar outdoor light.
from enhancing the light absorbtion, Fontcuberta and her team are
working on ways to optimise it. For example, they combine the nanowire's
GaAs core with other nanoscale materials in both axial and radial
directions. As an example, InAs quantum dots (or "islands") on the
nanowire play the role of stimulants for a better absorbtion of the